Consultancy Services for Preparation of…

Date: April 2018 to January, 2019
Location: Nagaland

Consultancy Services for Preparation of Social Impact Assessment and R&R Plan R&R Plan for Feasibility study and Detail Project Report for Two Laning with Pave shoulders of Foothill Road from Amguri to Niuland via Longchem – Changpang Governor’s Camp in the State of Nagaland (Package No DPR/NG/NER/2015/03).

The consultancy project focused on preparing a Social Impact Assessment (SIA) and a Rehabilitation & Resettlement (R&R) Plan for the feasibility study and detailed project report of the two-laning with paved shoulders of the Foothill Road from Amguri to Niuland. This included assessing the social impacts of the road expansion and planning for the rehabilitation and resettlement of affected communities.

Our Approach

The approach involved conducting a comprehensive Social Impact Assessment to evaluate the social implications of the road expansion project. This included analyzing the socio-economic conditions of the communities along the route and identifying potential impacts. A detailed Rehabilitation & Resettlement Plan was developed to address the needs of displaced or affected communities. The approach also included stakeholder engagement to ensure community input was incorporated and to refine the R&R strategies based on their feedback. Key Components includes:

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